Helloo, mom and dad!
Singing with the Primary kids was fun; you would have also loved the musical number Elder Bowen and I did for this baptism and the last. He played the organ while I played the piano in our unique rendition of "Israel, Israel God is Calling". It was quite fun. Thanks for the pictures, I always like to see what's going on in more than just words. I've attached a picture of some of the people involved in last week's family home evening, which was great.
The week was really good again, and Elders Williams and White had another baptism, making the third week in a row that our branch/district has baptized. If we didn't have stake conference this week, we could have baptized again and the next week, tying mine and Elder Sindylek's record of 5 weeks in a row (that was just from our companionship, though). Stake conference this week will be in Doncaster like what happened once last year, so the branch is running a coach up so that people can actually get there. Cars are quite the commodity in our branch. The whole thing's already booked up, and there are loads of others who would've liked to go, too. They really take stake conference seriously; for them it's a big deal, and I feel like we should all carry that kind of excitement as well. Some good miracles this week happened with some people we're teaching. I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but a while back Elder Vogli and I began teaching a non-Roma Slovak couple English, and they have recently begun showing interest in learning about the gospel. We're now alternating lessons between English and religious, which is super good. They're in their 20's, and pretty chill. They showed me this picture of their friend in Slovakia who looks a heck of a lot like me; we could honestly have been brothers. Maybe that's part of the reason new Slovaks I meet just assume I'm Slovak; I don't just talk the talk, but I look the part, too. Ha :) .
Our investigator named A is doing very well, and has been progressing steadily for the last couple weeks. We weren't sure with her at first when we began teaching her, but she's really been developing a testimony as she attends church regularly, reads the Book of Mormon, and strives to live the commandments. She really wants to attend stake conference, and we've managed to get a ride arranged for her. Her baptism will be on the 28th of March, so we're excited for that. She's a good example for me of how having the faith to set goals brings about progression.
O taught the lesson to the priesthood brethren on Sunday, which is honestly amazing. He is progressing rapidly, just really grasping what he needs to do and why, then acting on it. He came out teaching with us this week, and his presence got us in the door of a less-active that otherwise wouldn't have "had time", and that lesson went fantastically. We found out after the lesson that he was willing to go somewhere else with us to teach, and would've gladly spent all day with us. Champion.
Love you all lots, and I hope you have a smashing week!
Elder Brown
Elders Williams and White's baptism
FHE last week
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